Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Julie Presentz "The 25 Days of Christmas!!" Mini Album Kit

************This Kit has been altered to add some things that after working on an album from this kit, I found needed to be added. (See pics below :)**************
Here it is as promised!! The 25 Days of Christmas Mini Album Kit with that cute present shaped album "included!!" for everyone who orderz my kit! This kit is a limited edition.
Get it to hold your cherished Christmas memories or to give it to someone else to hold theirs :) Happy Holidays!!

Pics of items I have added to the kit :)
Thank you for looking.

25 Days of Christmas Kit


  1. hi, do you ship overseas? if so what would be the costs to Europe.

  2. Hello Joanna,
    I have not yet shipped anything to Europe, but if you would like to absorb any extra charges, I would be happy to do so.
    I will need your full shipping address to find out the exact cost for shipping.
    I look foward to hearing from you.
