Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Card Mini Album Kitz by Julie

***********Video Coming Shortly!!*************
This is a kit for you to make Youniquely yours fashioned after the lovely mini Christmas Card Album that Barbara made to give as a hostess gift. It is a smaller project to make in a whole lot less time than an actual mini album, yet it can hold lotz and lotz of pictures and journaling of this Christmas to come, or of Christmas' past. These kitz are fashioned after the vintage style Christmas' past. Below are a few pictures of Barbara's original Card Album and the video of her Christmas version on you tube is over in the side bar. Isn't it just gorgeous and intrigueing??! I hope to have pics of the one I am working on up asap!

So you see why I thought it would make a gorgeous Christmas mini!! Pockets and tags galore! You can see the Christmas version for sale above!!


  1. Julie,
    This is beautiful!

  2. Thanks Vangie and Joyce. I had fun doing it. I would also like to say I enjoy wathching your videos and look forward to seeing more.
