Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Julie Presentz "The 25 Days of Christmas!!" Mini Album Kit

************This Kit has been altered to add some things that after working on an album from this kit, I found needed to be added. (See pics below :)**************
Here it is as promised!! The 25 Days of Christmas Mini Album Kit with that cute present shaped album "included!!" for everyone who orderz my kit! This kit is a limited edition.
Get it to hold your cherished Christmas memories or to give it to someone else to hold theirs :) Happy Holidays!!

Pics of items I have added to the kit :)
Thank you for looking.

25 Days of Christmas Kit

Graphic 45 Christmas Kitz

Sold Out  

G 45 CMS

Monday, November 16, 2009

A "Limited Edition" Mini to make for Christmas or to give...

**Envelope Style Mini Christmas Album by Julie**
I just loved Barbara's original design sooo much, I decided to do a Christmas version!!
Great for the holiday season to make for your Christmas pictures yet to come, or to fill with some from Christmas past to give to a friend or family member! Use your imagination!!
Happy Scrappin' Julie
This is the "Antique Poinsettia" kit choice. It will have a santa and a poinsettia die cuts, a cmas stocking chipboard, a sled and tree specialty buttons, a felt ornament, the large "red" flower, and a few other differences from the "Jolly Snowmen" kit.

Jiffy Cmas Mini

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Webster Pages Paris Kitz by Barbara

Webster's Pages Pairs Wishes by Barbara
Check out the beautiful ribbons, buttons, and all the goodies packed into this beautiful kit waiting to come to life by your hands!


Christmas Card Mini Album Kitz by Julie

***********Video Coming Shortly!!*************
This is a kit for you to make Youniquely yours fashioned after the lovely mini Christmas Card Album that Barbara made to give as a hostess gift. It is a smaller project to make in a whole lot less time than an actual mini album, yet it can hold lotz and lotz of pictures and journaling of this Christmas to come, or of Christmas' past. These kitz are fashioned after the vintage style Christmas' past. Below are a few pictures of Barbara's original Card Album and the video of her Christmas version on you tube is over in the side bar. Isn't it just gorgeous and intrigueing??! I hope to have pics of the one I am working on up asap!

So you see why I thought it would make a gorgeous Christmas mini!! Pockets and tags galore! You can see the Christmas version for sale above!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Life's Tapestry" a Youniquely You mini album kit by Julie :)

I know that we are well into the glorious season of Fall, but I just could not resist putting together an Autumn themed album kit. I have not even had time to put up my Fall decorations for the first time in years and years!! So, I just had to get this kit together so we could remember and share the beauties of this season with those we love. So if by chance you did not get to purchase an album to do for Fall, I am happy and honored to prezent this beautiful kit to you. Happy Fall Everyone!!

Below is the video, but first, here is a picture of a few things that did not make it to the video:)
* metal frame by K&Co.
*sheet of acetate
*Remember tag and pocket made by myself
*the 5 page chipboard album with flower shape cut out on the front cover &
* a pre-cut paper to fit the front of the album as well as the flower that was cut out

Life's Tapestry